Simple Engineering Projects for Kids: The Ultimate Fort

Some engineering projects are gifts that keep on giving. A question like “How can I make the ultimate fort?” can keep kids and grown-ups engaged for a long time.

At first glance, designing a fort seems deceptively simple. What’s so complex about throwing a blanket over four chairs and calling it a day? What makes designing a fort to be a worthy engineering project?

Text "The Ultimate Fort" with an image of a girl reading in a blanket fort supported by chairs.

Truth be told, even the simplest of forts have a good deal of engineering complexity. What makes the fort stable? Is the fort large enough for all of the activities it should house? And the big question: Is the fort tall enough?

Experimenting with different ways to make a tall fort involves a lot of engineering. Does your fort use a center pole to go for maximum height? What holds the center pole in place? Can you make the center pole sturdy enough to withstand someone bumping into it? If you are using a blanket to make a roof, how can you keep the roof from sagging? What kind of support structures do you need? Can you give your fort doors and windows?

Are you building your fort inside or outside? What kind of materials are best to use in an outdoor fort? What activities would you want to do in an outdoor fort? Are they same set of activities as in an indoor fort? How would your fort design change if you built the fort on a hill instead of a flat surface?

Changing the questions are a great way to breathe new life into an engineering project. If you’d like some more insight about how you can help your kids ask great engineering questions, check out my free guide Every Parent’s Guide to Creative Projects.

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